Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Frühstück in German means breakfast. A traditional Frühstück includes dense breads (even stale bread isn't unheard of), a variety of cheeses (from soft, spreadable cheese to hard, stinky cheese), meats (spreadable wursts to hard, cured sausages), pickles and preserves. It is often put together quickly with what is left in the fridge but it can also be 'dressed-up' with fine delicacies for a special occasion. Served with a fresh cup of coffee or tea and there really isn't anything more complete. This traditional meal is eaten at any time of the day - not just breakfast - just like we Americans like to sometimes eat pancakes, eggs and bacon for dinner.

My favorite part of this traditional 'dish' is the variety. We normally set our table with at least two options of everything! That way we can pair different cheeses, meats and breads together for different sensory experiences. And at WickeDeli - that is what you can also look forward to. We are all about options...

Note: The picture I have posted here just doesn't do it justice. So...guess that means you'll just have to come into the deli once we are open and try the 'real deal'.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

WickeDeli on Facebook

I find myself on Facebook more and more - and I seem to find a lot of our adoring fans out there too...so now WickeDeli is also on Facebook. How efficient of us! :)
