As most locals will tell you, there is quite a bit going on in Fort Worth - mostly in the form of real estate; everyone is vying for a piece of this little city. (And a lot of us remember when the only reasons you came to Fort Worth were the Tandy Center ice skating rink and the Stockyards!). Not anymore!
There is a concentrated area of interest and development in the area of Camp Bowie and 7th Street: there's Montgomery Plaza, So7, West 7th, Museum Place - all of them brand new and leasing spaces...and more to come. If you live in the area, you are already familiar with the feeling of discovering something new each time you drive around; some building is either going up or coming down.
Anyhoo - finding the perfect location for WickeDeli is already a whirlwind. It's like watching one of those metal carousels that used to be on the playgrounds in the 70's - it is spinning around at top speed and you are trying to find the best place to jump on.
We've looked at a couple of places - all of them in the Camp Bowie / 7th Street area - and are excited to say that we are very much looking forward to continuing to be a part of this community and neighborhood. We hope to be in a space by the end of the year - which will keep us on track to open in early 2009.